
At Zomentum, I played a key role in taking their product from initial concept to market leader. Leveraging user research (surveys and workshops) and a deep understanding of the product discovery process, I guided them through value definition, design team hiring, prototyping, testing for product-market fit (PMF), and product scaling. This comprehensive approach resulted in a successful product launch within a month, achieving rough PMF, and ultimately contributing to the company's $20 million revenue milestone within 5 years.

Value centered design is the key.

I help companies start the design process by first defining the value. This helps the entire team align towards the same goal and amplifies the final outcome.

My work at Zomentum resulted in a product that empowers Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to craft impactful proposals, secure deals seamlessly with e-signatures, and streamline payment collection – all contributing to their success. This achievement stemmed from a design-centric approach, with designers being the first team members brought on board. This focus on user experience accelerated Zomentum's path to product-market fit.

To delve deeper into this project and explore how I can bring similar success to your business, I invite you to view the detailed case study here or reach out directly to discuss potential collaborations.



