
Imagine transforming a design team of 5 into a powerhouse of nearly 100, shaping the user experience for over 550 million users. That's the journey I've been on at PhonePe, where I don't just balance product priorities, resource constraints, and customer expectations – I use them as springboards for innovation.

My strategic design vision wasn't just about creating beautiful interfaces; it was about making PhonePe a platform that seamlessly integrated new features like insurance and shopping, keeping user experience at the forefront. This vision, coupled with innovative projects like Share.Market, Pincode, and the Indus App Store, helped us expand our market reach and introduce a comprehensive B2B product line.

Leading this incredible growth wasn't just about numbers. It was about fostering a culture of mentorship and collaboration. By successfully integrating design teams from acquired companies, I empowered designers across various disciplines, shaping PhonePe's design landscape into a strategic and respected division.

Looking to unlock similar growth for your design team? My experience in scaling teams at PhonePe, fostering a culture of innovation, and achieving efficiency with limited resources translates directly into propelling your design engine. To delve deeper into this project and explore how I can bring similar success to your business, I invite you to view the detailed case study.

Or if you wish to discuss how I can help you achieve your design goals and take your business to the next level. reach out directly to discuss potential collaborations.

